Tiles- having been used for over 6 millenniums now, have come a long way. From being a means to cover bricks on wall to becoming an Artist’s story board, these flat pieces of baked clay have been a witness to our evolving lifestyles.

As power of tiles to enhance structural masterpieces was realised, they were subsequently transformed to meet the creative pursuits of Artists. Tiles underwent chemical transformation- with the advent of vitrified tiles and there was a surge in usage of large format tiles.

The story of stones is akin to that of tiles. Stones, for centuries, have held a special place in every artist’s storyboard. Spanky shimmering floors made from exquisite marbles imported from beyond the seven seas have always added to the contentment and pride of the Artist behind their selection. With changing times, however, stones underwent changes- most notably in the reduction of their thickness.

With such modifications in tiles and stones coming by, the Artist knew it only too well how to put them to myriad uses. Tiles and stones are now being fixed not just on floor, but also on walls & ceilings and exposed to diverse environmental conditions. The Artist has pushed the frontier further and fixed tiles on a multitude of challenging substrates such as ply, metal and boards.

With the nature of tiles and stones and their applications evolving rapidly, the onus has been on adhesives’ experts to develop solutions that enhance the longevity of structural masterpieces. Subsequently, the category of tiles & stones adhesives has evolved, in order to cater to the challenges of evolving trends in tiles & stones fixing.

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